Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Living in Thailand.............stories from housing and big snakes.

I just had to pass along this excerpt from an email we recieved yesterday from our fantastic housing coordinator Dennis. I could not make this up even if I tried.

"As many of you know, last Thursday night a (~4 meters long, 30kg) was found near the garbage area at housing. The guards did the right thing by capturing the snake. On Friday morning, while at school, I was informed that the snake had been caught. I communicated with K. Usa that in the interests of residents’ safety - in particular small children and the guards who patrol at night - the snake be moved away from housing and taken either to the zoo or to a location away from here. It went without saying that in this culture that values all forms of life, the snake would not be harmed. While some residents offered that the snake was harmless, I was not prepared to make a decision on that assumption when other people’s safety was in question. This snake wasn’t just in my backyard, it was in everyone’s. And I was not going to be the guy who decided it would be okay to have around, only to have it hurt someone later on. This was a decision I would have to live with and it simply wasn’t worth the risk."

Never a dull moment here in Thailand.

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