Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ko Samui - The Bann Talay Experience

So on Monday the gang from Canada flew out to a popular Thai island called Ko Samui to a private villa called Bann Talay. Katie and I took two personal days off and flew out to meet them on Wendesday. Over the next 5 days we redefined what it meant to be "spoiled" and enjoyed our new accomodations. Located on a private section of Talya beach this villa (click here for info) complete with full time chef, three staff, and a Scottish hostss named Fiona (cute!!) , it helped us gain a little insight into the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Holy Shnikey! This place was amazing. Thanks to Scotty's great negotiation skills, a timely Thai military coup and the low period in the tourist season we were able to stay at this villa for a FRACTION of what it normally costs. Those four days were some of the most decadent I have ever experienced and now fear that my life only be downhill from here :). Hightlights from the weekend include: the food, the day trip to a Anthong National Park, pool side chats and amazing weather. The pics say it all.

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